Friday, September 28, 2007

This week seems to be ending on a good note! I had a pretty easy time transcribing today, I got a bunch of reports done, even one that was over 12 minutes long. I was so scared to start that one, I allotted a whole bunch of time and it only took a little over an hour to finish.

I remember when I took my first transcription exam in the course I agonized over it for hours. It was before anyone knew that you could get in and out of the exams as many times as you needed to. I just left it up on my screen and stared at it! I don't have any point to this at all, just remembering! haha. I guess every single one of these 75+ reports that I have gotten done so far in the internship are all their own transcription exam. They are all eligible for a QA score.

I'm looking forward to the weekend; again listening to football instead of doctors. I plan on catching up on cleaning that I have been putting off, maybe if I do that more people will come to look at my house! I also should really go to the beach. We used to go every other day and now, since I started the course, I am pasty white and my hair is getting dark. I need to catch up before we get to cold Connecticut. Jack hasn't eaten sand in a while, it'll be good for him! I'll post a picture on Monday. We should start enjoying it while we're still here. There is nothing like spending a good day on the beach for me. Maybe that will clear my head a bit and I can get back to business on Monday. Have a great weekend.
p.s. Since I usually write in my blog right before dinner, I thought this picture was appropriate; it's Jack helping me cook.
I got the updated version of the platform today so I spent a lot of time working on my expanders. I was able to get a few reports in. I had one by a Spanish doc that was over 6 minutes long and I think I did fairly well on it, considering he did have a pretty thick accent. I had to leave a lot of blanks at first but after I listened to it once and realized what he was talking about, I was able to go back and listen to it again and fill in some of those blanks.

My QA score went up 3/4 of a point from last week, I'm getting there!

I guess I don't have much to say today, we skipped out for the afternoon and went to the pool! (Don't tell anyone!) Maybe at this point if I'm not going to bed totally frustrated, it's a good day. In that case, today was a pretty good day! Since I made that post here and in the forum about the chemo drugs, I have not gotten an oncology report. Would this be a good time to mention some reference to 2-D Echocardiograms?!?

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

When I mentioned to Cheryl today that I was having trouble with the oncology dictations, and specifically the chemotherapy drugs, she mentioned a pretty awesome reference. I checked it out, and it was exactly what I needed yesterday! Of course today I didn't get a single oncology report! The same reference, the Quick Look Drug Reference had some other useful things, some normal lab values (which I used several times today) and a list of recent medications. I'm really glad Cheryl pointed me in that direction. TRS certainly knows how to hire some awesome instructors!

My progress was about average today, I got 11 reports done. I think cardiology seems to be my favorite specialty. Even when I don't know exactly what they are saying, I'm having an easier time findings words or phrases that I need. The Skill Builder Cardiology book really helps, they have sample reports in there for almost everything. I typed a report today about a woman with diabetic ulcers using a hyperbaric chamber for therapy; that was pretty cool.

I got a few 5-minute reports done today. When I was working on the SUMs, I didn't like the long reports, but now I sort of do like them. It takes a long time getting all of the heading set up so it seems like it saves time when I can just type one long one. When I look at my line counts in the mornings, it's always cool to see lots of lines on there! I had a little bit of trouble getting a new version of the platform installed. I apologized to Todd ahead of time for being such a cavewoman when it comes to computers! Once that is installed, I think the expanders will work correctly and that will be a big help. Bye 'till tomorrow!
p.s. Not that this has anything to do with medical transcription-- but Jack came running up to me at my desk today and said, "Mama, ball!" and pointed to the kitchen. He threw his ball up onto the counter and wanted me to get it for him. That was the first time he said 2 words in a row that meant something!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Today was a plain old bad day.

A little trick I learned from a few of the instructors is that if you turn down the volume, it eliminates some static on some of the dictations. Of course, a problem this poses is that I can't hear when everyone is home; even when Jack is being really good he's still talking and singing so it makes it really hard to hear. Sometimes I have to abandon a report and work on it again during nap time and move on to the next report. Today, I had to move on to 3-4 different ones before I could hear anything. It was one report after another, a 2-D echocardiogram, a wound-care report, that lady from the first batch that I couldn't' understand. It felt like the odds were all against me. I had one of those days that the experienced MTs remember so fondly=)

But, I guess I wouldn't really know a good day unless I had days like today to compare it to. Like Scarlett O'Hara said "Afterall, tomorrow is another day."

Monday, September 24, 2007

My day today was a bit like grocery shopping with a toddler. I had a neat little list of things that needed to be done, but was unable to at all follow it! Tim left yesterday for his underway until Thanksgiving. I have been saying all along that our house was going to sell as soon as he left because then I'd have to move with the baby and the dog by myself. Low and behold, the realtor called at noon asking to show the house in the afternoon. I scrambled to get the report done that I was in the middle of. I fed Jack some lunch, did another report. When we're at the grocery store, he thinks it's really funny to throw things that he can reach out of the cart so I have to stop and pick it up. Today he followed me around the house and took his toys out that I had just put away. I was in a good enough mood to laugh at him-- and myself!

So anyway, I'm back. I took a long weekend and it was back to oncology today. I got a report from Breena with some really good news. I have hit my 300 minutes! I'm not sure what that means really but it's a lot of time! I have over 3800 lines transcribed! I don't even care about the requirements of the internship, I'm just really proud that I have gotten that much done! I used my method again today that I tried out on Wednesday. I timed each report and I limited myself to only a bit of research. This has really really helped. I try to generally keep each report to 15 minutes and I get a lot more done that way. Also, the notes I have been taking for myself are starting to work, I can go back and reference things in my own handwriting. I think my brain finds things faster when they are in my own writing.

It's good to be back. I'm going to try not to work too much, although it is tempting since Tim isn't around. Today flew past and I even had time to go to the playground. I'm getting the balancing act down.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

Lesson of the day: Don't sweat the small stuff.

Breena makes weekly house calls to check in and see how you are doing during your internship. She called me this morning and we discussed my concerns over my productivity. It has been taking me about 45 minutes to do each 1-4 minute dictation. It's driving me crazy! She said, what it comes down to, is that I just need to leave more blanks. Don't sweat the small stuff. If I listen to a word 3-4 times and did some decent research, leave it blank. I took her advice today and I had a very good day! It seems that if I am not listening TOO intently, I hear more. If I let my ears slip a bit, they were more likely to pick up on small sounds that I normally would have over heard.

Think about having a conversation with someone. You do not try to figure out how to spell every word they are saying. You do not hear every word they are saying sometimes. I tried to pretend I was having a conversation with the doctors; listening to what they were saying and understanding the gist of it. It seemed to work!

I think a job like this certainly attracts some people who Freud would call anal retentive (we call ourselves MT students!). The hard part for us is not to sweat the small stuff; it seems like if one thing slips, we won't be able to do our jobs. As moms and wives and daughters sometimes we are expected to notice details that others don't notice. My husband surely does not know when our nephew's birthday is! We are not failing if we miss something. We're human. Let it go! Don't sweat the small stuff and maybe when your guard is down you'll catch something that might have gotten away from you.

As for those of you who are still studying from the book, Cheryl and Kim, your TEACHERS are the ones that always say, "If you knew it all, you'd be called MD instead of MT." Take their advice.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Today I had a dictation by a woman; I think she was the first one I've heard so far. Going by her, I don't like women dictators! Of course I'm kidding, but she had an accent that was so thick I couldn't even tell what it was! I "did" the report and I have absolutely no idea what it is about! Something GI, I think. So, looks like I finished up those easy ones from the last 2 weeks and now I've gotten hit with some real ones. I thought the same thing when I heard my first dictations. I guess the point is that I'm learning the terminology and some day it will all click. It won't matter that they are talking too loud or too low, or that they are eating, or talking to someone else in between sentences. I like to think of myself as a bear gathering food for hibernation. Someday I will be able to sit back and just let my fingers get to work and I won't have to think that much about it anymore. Beside, what fun is there in just getting something, most of the fun is in the pursuit!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Everyday since I started my internship there have been 5 reports on the platform ready for me to click on and get to work. This morning when I went to start, there were only 4. I got so excited thinking I was done (even though I know I don't have enough hours!) After I turned in the last of those 4, Breena had loaded it up with some new ones. Oh well. It still felt pretty good to be done with those. I have typed almost 2300 lines! When I go back and think about how agonizing some of those lines have been, it seems like a real accomplishment.

At first, I wanted to do this internship quickly and get my hours done and out of the way so I could start working. Now I'm thinking that maybe I need some more practice! Practice does make perfect in this case, and I am FAR from it! I had a few new doctors today and I found I was less intimidated by the first few new doctors available on the platform. SoftMed has been a little down-and-out today and they are doing repairs tomorrow so this might be a slow week. I have been re-reading those Skill Builder books, they're really good for common vernacular of surgeons and cardiologists, they are a breed of their own! Those books are a great reference.

I guess you need to sign in to leave a comment and a lot of you reading this are not doing that. Thanks for reading! I've had some great feedback so far from this blog, so I'll try to keep it up. Keep studying and keep up the good work, you'll get here!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Once when I was in high school, I had an ice cream eating contest with a guy friend. We each had to eat a half gallon of ice cream and then run around the block. My brain feels today like my stomach did that day. I-Just-need-the-weekend! Luckily, it is the weekend. I will be listening to Phil Sims and Al Michaels rather than doctors who need to say "AH" and open their mouths when they speak!

I got my first QA score today and it was about 8 full points higher than I thought! So that was a very nice surprise. It seems I may be doing better than I think. Breena even said that she was being harder on me than she would be on an employee...just to be sure I know my stuff.
When I've had a bad day, Tim always reminds me to think about the stigma attached to the word "intern" and realize that that is what I am. He is right; so is Kathy, and Cheryl, and Breena, and Lynn, and Glenda, and everyone else who has been offering me support and sympathy. It's a learning curve. I am also reminded to think about my first SUM transcription, and then to think about the last one. What a huge difference. Someday, I won't have to look up every 3rd word and I won't jump up and down every time I finally get one right. This job is sure not for dummies!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Today I had some new orthopedic reports, at least that's what I think they were! Right now it's almost as if my brain is not working as quickly as my fingers are. I have the ability to type quicker than I have been but I have to stop and think about how to spell catheterization or arthroscopy. Oh, and did I mention that the expanders are picking and choosing which words it wants to remember?! So I have to type out the brief form and wait to see if it works. If it doesn't, then I have to go back and erase what I just wrote and start all over. Hopefully this will be fixed before too many people start to use it, Breena's working on it.

My progress was pretty slow today. I highly suggest that everyone makes sure they are comfortable in their setup (desk, chair, keyboard, etc.) before they start this internship. It's a lot of sitting.

I'm finding that I have some favorite doctors. When I hear them start talking, I find myself saying, "oh, hey Doc!" as if we're friends or something. I could really see someone thinking I'm going batty! They would walk in my house and see Hurricane Jack in the living room followed around by Tropical Storm Piko (our dog's name, it means bellybutton in Hawaiian) and me with my headphones on talking to the computer; often times making funny faces or trying out my southern accent to decide what the doctors are saying. It's a funny world we're entering, this transcription stuff.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Today was much better, even than yesterday. I did something today that I have been worried about all along; I took a long lunch, had a playdate with Jack , and still got more done today than I got done yesterday. I was concerned that I wouldn't be able to still have my Mommy friends and work also.

Another thing I learned today is that Jack is really good at this! Today, he was playing with his toys and he decided that he wanted to watch tv. So he went up to it, turned it on, and watched Sesame Street until lunch time! I chose this career so that I could be here with Jack during the day and I was beginning to feel guilty about working so much. But he's okay. He gets it. We're in this together and we're working as a team.

As for the work- I've done some pretty cool transcribing! Everything from cardiac catheterizations to electrocardiograms and colonoscopies. It seems that when you hear a type of report once, the second time you hear it is very much easier. Again, I can't say how important and helpful Breena's feedback has been. Read your feedback.

This is really challenging; it's hard! But at the end of the night when I tally up those reports and the lines it makes it all worth it.

Catching up

My first day of the internship went something like this... I got off of the phone with Breena after training very excited, ambitious, and ready to type. I clicked on my first "check out," hit the footpedal, and almost started crying immediately! All I knew was that it was something about oncology, that the doctor had an accent, and that he needed a new machine! I had an hour before Jack woke up, the dictation was about a minute and a half long; I figured I had plenty of time. Boy was I wrong! THREE hours later, I was handing in a report with more blanks than a cap gun. I couldn't believe that I was handing this in to Breena, on her first day on the job. She had mentioned earlier that she heard about my progress in the course and that she was excited to work with me. That was almost all I could think of as I was leaving blank after blank.

Somehow, when I just got the report in the perfect 2 second window to where I needed to hear a word, the dog barked. The kid cried. The guys had to cut the grass by my window. The phone rang. The neighbor came to the door, the dog barked and scared the headphones off of me. And I am NOT exaggerating, this all REALLY happened. It was the day from hell. I got about 4 reports done that were NOT my best work and called it a night.

For any of you out there reading this now: this is not to scare anyone, but so that I can remember what it was like during my first few days of really transcribing.

The next day was a little better. I got that same oncology guy again, but after reading Breena's feedback I found that it was a teensy bit easier to understand what he was TRYING to say. I got 5 reports done that day. And so I progressed through the first week of my internship.

Today is September 11, day 6 of my internship. Today was my first good day. I typed 14 reports, and didn't even realize it until I went to tally things up for the night to report back to Breena. I only had to leave a few blanks in all of the reports and even, one time I ran the spellchecker and it didn't' pick up a SINGLE thing! I quite literally danced around the living room. This time the dog was barking with me, the kid was crying with delight and the neighbor was coming over to congratulate me. What a day! We'll see what tomorrow brings.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I'll go, I'll go, I'm not going to like it, but I'll go.

Okay, I'm going to do this, really. I started my internship a week ago and Kathy suggested that I started this up that day. It's been a week and I'm just getting to it! I'm going to try to write a little every day so I can track my progression and so that teachers and students can see what's going on with all of this. Feel free to add a personal note any time as well.