I did not work at all yesterday. I figure I should take time off and dilly dally while I still can when I want to. We went to a friend's house to watch the game (I can't stand the Cowboys) and bake Halloween cookies for Tim on the ship instead. Today I rested in bed and read a book for 2 hours while Jack napped. Sometimes that gets lost in my day--being able to just relax. I get so caught up in my lines per hour and my QA score that I forget that it's okay to take a rest. Not today though, I took advantage of that today!
I did actually work a bit. I had some new dictations again, I'm done with the ortho ones that Breena put in there for me. I got a 99.2% QA score and I nearly jumped out of my socks (okay, I haven't worn socks in 4 years, but you get it) when I saw that. Finally, Finally, I know that it IS possible to get a good score!! That was higher than my transcription tests in the course too. I was so so happy to see that my work is paying off.
Most of the doctors that I heard today have already crossed my path. There were a few oncology reports in there, and I think that my online research library is built up enough that I can get most of the terms I need. I ordered the Oncology Word Book but it got sold out from Amazon.com before they got it out to me. I will have to get it eventually but it's nice that I know where to find things now. I think oncology is the hardest specialty by far. It's like they're speaking a different language and it's all so different from anything else you hear everyday that it's really hard to guess what they are saying. But it's getting better. In the past, the first day of new doctors has left me in tears. Not today! It was a good day, and it keeps getting better.
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