Tuesday, October 2, 2007

One of the first reports I opened today was from a doc that I had in the first batch of dictations. When I heard his voice, I was really happy! He was dictating a colonoscopy and I pretty much remembered what he was saying or where to look to find what I needed. The funny thing is that after I did one of his, the next dictation came up and it was him again...and then again. After the 3rd one, I thought "maybe I should make this a quick normal," but I didn't. Dictation #4 comes up, and it's the guy again. By this point, it's funny to me and I'm SURE that he won't come up again. He did. Instead of just making it a quick normal (you can do this in the report, make it an expander that only stays for the duration of that one report) and saving myself some time, I typed the same thing over and over and over. Moral of the story-- suck it up and make those expanders!!

I had a pretty easy time today. There were blanks certainly, but overall I think it was a good day. Debbie from the QA team wrote a comment to one of my posts in here and in turn I found her blog as well. (Hi Debbie) She had a post in there about how ridiculous it is to leave something in a report that is pure nonsense. She is totally right! I have been doing that. If I find something that might make sense, I have been putting it in there just so I don't have to leave an ugly blank, and it's costing me QA points. Today I vowed to stop that (Sorry, Breena for all those extra blanks!)

My speed is getting better. Now it's time to focus on my accuracy and spend more time filling in those blanks and learning to be a better listener. One step at a time.


We did go to the beach and we had a wonderful time. We ate breakfast and chased some birds, two of Jack's favorite things.

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