Thursday, October 4, 2007

Thursday is always a good day for me because I know that I have ER to look forward to. No matter how the day goes, I know that Jack will be sleeping, the house will be picked up and I will be able to plop on the couch and watch my favorite show.

I got a new batch of dictations today. Breena gave me a bunch of ortho reports. This is new, I haven't had any at all yet. There were two different docs with a bunch of dictations each and they were both very easy to understand. I remember a lot from my A&P class, it was my favorite class ever. I could visualize a lot of what they were talking about and that made it easier for me to "hear" what they were saying. I always thought I was much more of a listening learner than a visual learner, but maybe I have been way!! In a classroom setting, you're hearing the lecture but you're also seeing something most of the time- a book in front of you, a black or white board, a hand out- so maybe when I thought I was learning from listening, I was actually learning from seeing.

The doctors were very nice to me today, I only had to leave a few blanks, and ER comes on in 1 hour and 40 minutes. It's a good day!

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